Have you ever thought of payment as a service? Everyday, we hand our cash, credit/debit cards or checks, as a reflex for paying, without really considering the means we are using... until the day we can't actually purchase because we don't have the appropriate means to pay. Then we ask ourselves: can I buy bread without change? How do I buy a product on the Internet without risks? Can I pay on an m-commerce site without giving my card number? Can I use my credit card for money transfers, to pay for a parking ticket or a taxi ride? To all these questions, our answer lies in the mobile phone. Always at hand and fully connected, this technological and cultural tool is going to revolutionize our way of paying... in the very near future.
At SFR Pay, we design, develop and distribute value-added, secure and practical payment services. Our positioning is straightforward and twofold: we work on the development of payment solutions that are needed and non-existent, and we also improve means of payment that already exist, but that need to be upgraded because their use can still be complex or insecure.
With over 10 years of experience on the micro-payment market, SFR, together with SFR Pay, aims at supporting its customers in the increasingly rich and ever-evolving world of innovative payment solutions.